4 Ways to Find Sweetness in Life

I never realised that I had lost the sweetness in life, nor did I perceive the need to find sweetness. Perhaps you are the same. You are more consumed with the emptiness of boredom or overwhelm of too many responsibilities. As we meet social expectations, achieve conventional demands and fit into the world around us, it is easy to lose the ease that life offers us.  With the sweetness of the moment comes innocence, humility, play and joyfulness. To reap these feelings, use these 4 tips to connect to the sweetness in your life.


The Hummingbird is the archetype animal for the endurance and strength to look for the sweetness and beauty in life. It travels long distances always focused and hovering in the air so gracefully to find the flowers with sweet nectar to nourish itself upon, which in turn helps pollinate the flowers and bring more beauty into the world. How can this symbol support us as humans in the lesson of life? 

Step 1: Reconnect with the Inner Child 

A lot of therapy work focuses on your inner child, and this is for good reason. The inner child can cause havoc when it takes control of our choices and relationships to the point that our actions are not supportive of our adult life. However, there is a huge gift of allowing your inner child to lead as an adult - at certain times. 

The inner child is innocent and pure of emotion. One moment can be pure delight and the next complete horror. My first memory was of a beautiful flower with the most sweet smell, I was in pure bliss holding and observing it. My parents warned me that I would lose it and not play so much with it, but I was so in the joy of this flower delight. Then the wind caught it, and it was gone. I was distraught. I cried and had a tantrum because nobody would stop to get my flower. And then, I was given an orange to eat and my attention was absorbed into the sweetness of the juicy squish in my hands and mouth. 

This is the child’s connection to sweetness - our pure emotional flow of being present and honouring these fully. Yes, we may not always be able to express our feelings in social ways as we become older, but you can physically feel and honour what feelings move through the body. 

Step 2: Get Creative 

Creativity is a means to explore and express our genuine identity. This does not mean that you have to take up art, but to find your way of being creative. There are two facets to creativity - the first, that you make things and the second, that you see it in the world around you. These will open up your ways of expressing your authenticity, which comes with the natural sweetness of present-moment joy. 

Examples I have used for the first are cooking or gardening, to make a recipe or adapt one that you know is an act of creation. Perhaps, you grow a plant and see this creative unfolding of life over time. Or it can be rearranging your bedroom to feel a space that is more creative flow for sleep. 

An example of the second, I am no photographer, but I gave myself the project to take photographs of things I found beautiful to connect to my creative eye of the world around me. Actively looking for creative features in the world connected me to both nature and human forms and how they are expressed in different ways. 

Step 3: Discover Your Style

In the Gene Keys the exploration of ‘Exquisitiness’ is number 8 and the Gift is “Style” - how is this relevant? The Hummingbird is the animal archetype of this Gene Key and reminds us that style is something that we are to explore and discover our own unique style in life, as a way to express ourselves. 

What is your unique style? Do you know what it is beyond clothes, music and whether it fits into a fashion trend? 

When I first contemplated this Gift, I would think of James Dean! I never felt that I fitted into any style and yet, I have sat at the fringe of many trends with ‘cool’ jobs and brands supporting my work. I have seen how my values are not always aligned with these styles and trusted finding my unique expression would always serve me best. 

Take some time to consider the different trends, groups or styles that you have been through in your life. Where you do not ‘fit in’ or ‘belong’ is your gift to uncover your uniqueness. 

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Step 4: Sweet Communication 

When you know your style, and are comfortable in your creativity, and have opened your inner child’s emotional expression there is a shift in your communication. This is both your inner self-talk and that to others. 

You do not have to take the steps in this order, you are welcome to try sweetening your communication first too. However, if you know and honour yourself it can often be much easier to uphold a conversation with someone else whilst staying present to seeing their sweetness even if they are expressing pain or anger. 

If you would like more support on your dive into a sweeter life, then the Luminous Life program might be the next step for you. Book your free no obligation Clarity Call with me and we can discuss the aligned next steps for you.


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