What is Purity Body Release?

Discover how Nid created this healing movement technique. The ways that can support your body, emotions and mind. Welcome and rebuild your body’s wisdom to move through life with an easeful and gracious quality. Purity Body Release™ is a simple tool that is designed to empower you in one session.

All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.
— Eckhart Tolle 

This gentle technique was developed by me, Nid, to release hidden emotional tension in the body’s tissues. You are in complete control of your experience and how deep you want to go. As you are guided through the process it creates a meditative movement experience. This deepens your intuition to listen to your body's guidance to move with ease and comfort. 

Purity Body Release™ blends somatic movement experiencing, vagus nerve innervation and fascia release to open emotional and physical space in the body. Using the Pilates mini-stability ball, you are taken on a journey of exploration around the core of the body. This effect is akin to a massage on yourself whilst moving the body with the breath. As the body learns to find a new spaciousness, it can release contracting patterns that can cause discomfort in the body. There are no shapes, no poses and no levels in this - just the body and its experience of sensation as it moves around a soft ball. 

The relaxation response in the body is responsible for releasing toxins, emotions and the need for deep rest or release stored up energy. During the session, the body is being purified to release movement to return to a refreshed state. From here it is possible to retrain the body tension-free and subtly change the mind’s responses to life choices. Movement and choice can become light, buoyant and fluid. 

Sometimes the responses are instant from a session, like my client Bee who suffers high anxiety who struggles to eat when stressed as her stomach knots up. The stressed vagus nerve tells the stomach to stop digesting so that it can fight, flee or freeze still. After an online group session, she had relaxed enough to exclaim “I’m hungry! I’m going to eat for the first time in three days!”. 

If you are interested in discovering more about the science behind this technique, click on this button to download.


How did Nid develop Purity Body Release™?

My years of movement teaching from dance, fascia, pilates and yoga gave me an in-depth understanding of the tension-holding patterns in the body and how emotions connect to these. Yet it was through the holistic massage technique, Raynor Massage, and the abdominal massage technique, that I saw the full connection and style required to release in an empowered manner for my clients. 

I met many clients with bad backs and imbalanced muscle activation. In physiotherapy clinics, the mind-body disconnection of many City workers did not know the difference between ‘good’ or ‘bad’ muscle contractions. They were scared of their own body’s sensations and whether it was ‘pain’. The nervous system was stuck in a stressed, freeze, flight or fight response, and movement which often resolves this was not a clear answer due to the fear patterns. 

Massage clients came with back and shoulder tension - yes, normal with desk posture, but the tension patterns were often deep in the abdomen or along the vagus nerve tract of the front body. Reliance on massage to soothe the pains was disempowering their belief in their own bodies and that movement could heal them. The physical rigidity was a part of a loop in the body of emotional overwhelm. 

Often I would stop my clients to come into slow, steady calm breaths and then the emotions would rise up. Tears and shame may be expressed at this sudden outburst. My clients needed more than a massage or core workouts to reset this. They needed a balanced approach within their control to manage their release of emotions and physical tension in the body whilst rebuilding a pure connection to their intuitive body wisdom. 

Intuition guided me to explore and study the specific aspects of what to teach. I played and worked with my own body to create the safest path around the body’s core and visualisations from my meditation work to support the energetic shifts in the body. The technique needed to be developed to grant people a simple technique that they can do in the privacy of their own homes. It is deep and there may be a conscious awareness of what the body is releasing. 

Initially, I only shared Purity Body Release on my personally-led retreats, and I was amazed at the impact in the group sessions. There could be large group emotional releases that occurred often rising and falling similar to a Mexican wave. 


What are the benefits? 

There are no scientific studies of this method yet, so I should share client feedback and why they return to it.

Release of physical pains in the body

One client who came on a retreat with an adult lifetime of back problems, which years of yoga and pilates ‘managed’ for her, was holding immense emotional tension in her abdomen. Deep grief for her lost child, guilt from her strong Christian upbringing, anger at society for its poor care to her disabled child and a low self-esteem was bundled in her abdomen. She found that practising the technique released her back pain and with regular gentle self-sessions since the retreat her back pain has not returned in four years. 

Emotional release

“Who knew that a Pilates ball of all things could help you relax, get energized and heal from emotional trauma — all at the same time? In my case, the emotions began surfacing a couple of hours after the session ended, and they have continued on and off into the next day.” ~ M.P.

Support improved sleep and relief from insomnia

“I finally slept a full night’s sleep!” ~ A.O.

“I slept for 16 hours and finally felt rested.” ~ K.M. 

Balance digestive function

Bee’s story above highlights those struggling to eat due to the nervous system stuck in ‘stress’. 

“I felt so calm after the session, then a couple of hours later my stomach emptied - a lot! I felt so cleansed and had the desire for really healthy yummy food to nourish me!” ~ Ma T. 

Improved energy levels

“I had so much energy and really enjoyed my day” ~ Mo  

“I was so clear and energised that I needed less sleep after!” ~ R.F. 


What is a Purity Body Release™ session like?

We begin with a body scan. Simply aware of the body’s sensations without judgment - like an inventory list. And begin to relax.

With a soft and slow breath, you gently move your body around the ball based at key points on the torso. Visual cues are provided that will support the journey in the quality of experience sought from the soma. 

Following the fascia release techniques, we open the front of the torso by releasing the back of the body, before coming around to the sides of the body and into the front. The movements may lead to stillness or something larger, but the focus is on the quality of the body’s sensations throughout - the somatic movement inquiry of pressure and release.

The front body connects us to the vagus nerve and some deep emotional holding patterns.  Gently and slowly exploring down the side and front of the body, this begins to activate the vagus nerve. Careful release of deep stress from the abdomen and neck can occur. 

This sequence and pacing of the sessions is important for the body to remain in feelings of safety. As the fascia body and nervous system release into a parasympathetic state it resets the brain’s neuromuscular patterning of how muscles are triggered to move, hold and tonify. This welcomes a space for cleansing of the physical body, emotional freeing and restoration with good sleep. 


If the Purity Body Release clears the ‘issues in the tissues’ what happens when the beliefs beneath the emotions still exist? 

The emotions will come back and the body will repeat the holding pattern. This is where I discovered Clarity Breathwork complements and enhances the complete shift sought. 

Working these two in combination is a powerful tool for higher vibrational living that holds integrity to your highest self.


What is Clarity Breathwork?