3 Ways to Find Light in Life - rid the dull!

When life feels dull, meh and mundane it is easy to become lost and feel a lack of purpose in life. Often we move into drama - like living in a soap opera with highs and lows that swing around like a catapult. It isn't very joyful to live in drama. How can you move from this dull feeling to a more vibrant life without the drama?


When life feels dull, meh and mundane it is easy to become lost and feel a lack of purpose in life. Often we move into drama - like living in a soap opera with highs and lows that swing around like a catapult. It isn't very joyful to live in drama. How can you move from this dull feeling to a more vibrant life without the drama?

Finding the Path of Moderation

Extreme emotions are exhausting and demanding on the brain and body. To sit in the middle of the road can seem dull, but it is when we wait here that we discover the vibrancy. As we sit in the middle path a sweetness bubbles up and brings simple delights. 

This is similar to the macrobiotic detox that limits the range of what you can eat. A diet of miso, brown rice, and a few vegetables initially feels so boring. Once the palette has become cleansed after 4 days there is a sweetness in the greens that you eat. By the end of 7 days, what once seemed dull has become deeply satisfying. 

The middle path is something that we often avoid. It is to sit and watch, to observe the details and from this depth arises. Here are three ways to connect to this path without taking a macrobiotic detox. 

Light and Colour

In the shades of light and shadow, the tones of colour become more vibrant when they are simply observed. The way that light and shade constantly shift brings delight with its change. It reveals to us the abundance and variety that is all around us.

The use of light and colour is a profound way to connect with the path of moderation when you cannot get out to be in nature, complete a macrobiotic cleanse or have the time to take a deeper dive well-being workshop.

Notice your favourite colour and its hues in objects around you. Witness the hues in the colour and how this changes under more or less direct light.

Slow Down with Nature

It is important to slow down. In going slower there is an ability to see the detail and steadiness of change. That the order and timing of things is a beauty in itself.

Once you begin to observe nature, there is an understanding of the gradual change of seasons and cycles that take place around and within you. You can connect to your rhythm and cycles more easily. 

When you connect to your rhythm and how it is affected by nature, you are more empowered to align your life to your best needs. 

Connect to nature whether it is to take up watching nature or gardening activities, perhaps you start cooking with more fresh vegetables so you get to connect with plants.


Heart Coherence

When the mind drops down into the heart, it slows down to the Schumann Resonance. This is the same frequency as what Earth emits, so you come into synchronicity with the planet. 

In this heart-coherence connection, there is a richer and deeper feeling within the present moment. Time in this resonance will bring a greater appreciation of yourself and others, as you will see the finer beauty of those around you. 

A simple way to do this is to place a hand on your heart and feel your connection between the hand and heart. Slow your breath and feel this space. If you can lengthen your exhale it will deepen the connection further. Stay here for at least 2-3 minutes. 

If you would like to discover more about bringing more light into your life, then connect with me for a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call and get the individualised simple steps for you to take next.


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Gargle Along: Mantra for Enlightenment


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