Gargle Along: Mantra for Enlightenment

Gargle-alongs promote balance of the nervous system and improve the relationship of the brain-gut connection. Through gargling and humming you can find action in peace and peace in action. This month we use the mantra 'Om Mane Padme Hum' as our humming practice to focus our awareness on uplifting for all.

Why this Mantra? 

Om Mane Padme Hum means 'The Universal altruistic jewel of enlightenment or unconditional love, rising from the mud into the light as a beautiful wisdom to share the pure truth that is inseparable from all that is.'

As you hum focus your awareness on this mantra and what it means to create and share from this place. 

Wonderful musical versions of this mantra are:

If you are curious about my gargle-alongs and how they support your wellbeing, check out the Gargle Along Playlist where in each video I share a new tip about how these support your emotional wellness, mental health state, physical restoration and more.  

Added into the Water is Fulvic Humic

This month I share something that has supported my gut health - fulvic humic. Please speak with your medical professional or nutritionist before taking any supplements to make sure that it is appropriate for your wellbeing needs. 

This is essentially nutrient-rich plant and animal matter in the soil. It helps to bind the minerals of magnesium, calcium, iron and more to plants for them to uptake and hold in their structure. Plants grown in this nutrient-dense soil will be more likely to enhance our well-being as they have the nutrients that we need to absorb for optimal function of the body.

Unfortunately, not all organic food is grown in this nutrient-rich soil. Even if you are healthy and conscious of your food sources supplements are required in your diet to help absorb the other minerals in your diet. This is why I found fulvic humic supported my gut health further. 

Enjoy the full video and gargle with me on YouTube.


Listen to Nid’s Nidra on:




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