What is Soul Aligned Business?

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, have you noticed the generic language in marketing? Do you feel the lack of authenticity in the way businesses are communicating with you? A Soul Aligned business connects to the soul of the owners, the workers and the customers of the business to provide a mental, emotional and embodied experience that is fulfilling to all connected. Read on to discover how to connect this soul alignment in your business.


What is the energy of a business? 

A business is a fourth-dimensional entity, which means it is an energetic entity created by the thoughts of the owner, customers, prospective customers, competitors and workers connected with the business. How these various thoughts, emotions and actions, including interactions, interact create a shifting energy of the business that is what we all experience in the marketplace. This business energy is the energetic exchange that is translated into money, value, worth, fulfilment and all the elements that we experience in the day-to-day commercial lives that we live. 

A business owner may have no interest in the soul fulfilment of their business. The intention can be purely financial, without principles ethics, or morals. In these businesses, we witness overinflated statements of corporate social responsibility or WORD. We see plenty of this in the world. 

In recent years, we have also witnessed the rise of the wellness industry and with this a more ‘authentic’ business. With concerns around sustainability for our planet, the emphasis grows for a business that has integrity, authenticity, honesty and perhaps ‘soul’.

Soul Alignment of the Business Leader

Through the Akashic Records, it is possible to align the energetics of a business with its owners or responsible business leaders. Although the business entity itself is not a soul and does not have an Akashic Record, the energy of thought, emotions and action by the responsible owner of the business can be read using this modality. 

In Soul Aligned Business work, the responsible leaders’ Akashic Record is accessed to review the energy of the business. The initial checks for the business include the alignment of the business owner with the business’s energetic entity. 

Sometimes this initial check may show up aspects of the business leader taking actions, holding beliefs or creating services that are not aligned with their soul’s Divine Expression. A realignment of the business leader is necessary for the further intentions and management of the business. This will clarify the intentions of the business owner and save a great deal of time and energy in the following steps. 

Business Energy Set Up

To create and embed an energetic entity into the chakra matrix of all those that connect with the business is a high level of energetic activation. It attracts the people, opportunities and growth through the chakra systems of all the humans interacting. There is no AI here! 

Now that the business leader’s energy is clear around the business, we can establish the energy of the business for the next 3-5 years. This creates alignment between the leader’s soul expression and fulfilment, and the business’s energy from service or product, marketing, sales, workers and systems. 

The owner provides their personal fulfilment intention, and that for the experience of all those that interact with the business. It is a simple and powerful process to establish this energy for a business. The Energetic Setup can be at any scale of business, provided there is more than an idea of the creator!


Detailed Business Energetics

For those who love the detail and support with taking action, the ongoing energetic readings support the business leader’s decision-making and action-taking over 6-9 months. 

In each 60-minute session, a detailed breakdown of energetic misalignments are provided and time is given to get precision on the aligned actions to take going forward. The energetic checks include sales, marketing, contributors (everyone you are influenced by when it comes to your business), processes, systems, services, products, pricing, clients and the little pieces. 

This process works on small and large-scale businesses. We have broken it down into the nitty gritty of SEO A-B testing and metadata, and taken time to work with collaborations to develop services that are more aligned to the business leader.

Soul Aligned Business is a growth for everyone in the business. All souls move with the business and this adds to the impact of what your business serves. 

If it is your time to step up, to serve more and enjoy greater fulfilment then take the chance and see if this process is aligned for you and your business. Applications only! Nid does soul alignment checks before accepting you to ensure that you are ready! 

Clients love this process!

Read more about what Nid’s clients have experience through Soul Aligned Business.


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