Embody your Sankalpa

Could it take just five days and five steps to embody your heart's deepest desire? 

What does ‘Sankalpa’ mean?

My favourite quote that defines a ‘Sankalpa’ is by the sage Sri Ramana Maharshi: “The ostensible motive of doing a ritual uttered before it is begun”. 

Breaking this down, it is a depth of intention that is so profoundly true within you before you even take a conscious action that the desire of what is to manifest already exists. In Law of Attraction teaching, this would be your complete heart-felt belief and deep reverent gratitude that you already have that which you seek. 

A Sankalpa will ultimately come from your soul’s desire to express in human form. If your personality desires conflict with this there is a likelihood for a less than desirable outcome in your life experience. 

In the words of the great mystic and poet Rumi, “What you seek is seeking you” and this is how we attract the life that we desire to create, from our greatest and most powerful feelings. 

The Problem with Feeling Intentions

A lot of the time, we are not fully aware of our feelings and how they are driving our life. To attract your Sankalpa there is an important step in your awareness (i) how you actually feel most of the time, and (ii) how to shift how you feel towards that which your heart really seeks. 

There is ‘shadow’ work or ‘inner child’ processing that can help to release some feelings that drive behaviours unconsciously. You must take conscious action to clear this, and so we include ceremony of release and pathways to feel contentment before we can move towards the new desire. However, not everyone wants to do this work and that is understandable, life is busy enough and you work so hard already. 

Here are my top 5 tips to bring your Sankalpa into embodiment faster:

  1. Connect to your heart's whisper: Your first step is to establish the profound state with your heart’s deepest desire. The longing for how you want to experience your life as a feeling not a thought - where in your body comes alive? If you can only hear your mind, then allow your Sankalpa to be still and quiet. Find a quiet space and create some stillness in your body. Listen quietly and softly so the heart's whispers can become heard. 

  2. Navigate Physical Feelings: Tune into your physical sensations in your body that accompany your desires and aversions. Observe the dance between desire and aversion. Let go of what no longer serves your purpose. Use these bodily cues as a compass, guiding you towards choices that bring contentment and joy.

  3. Embrace Playfulness and Exploration: Inject playfulness into your journey, and if you do not like ‘play’ then try ‘curiosity’. Explore the ideas that emerge, paying attention to the words that surface. How do they make you feel? Play is a powerful tool for unlocking creativity and navigating the uncharted territories of your aspirations.

  4. Resonate with Your Chosen Words: Choose words that deeply resonate with your feeling body. Do they align with your current state? Can you authentically say, "I am x"? The resonance of your chosen words is crucial. They should not only reflect your desires but also evoke a genuine sense of alignment. Resonate with the words that you choose - do they align with you right now? Can you say "I am x"?

  5. Be the Embodiment Regardless of External Realities: Act as if your Sankalpa is already a reality, irrespective of external appearances. Remind yourself of your intention regularly and feel it as a tangible, current experience within your body. This practice helps anchor your desires in the present moment.

Bonus Tip: Seek Guidance for Deeper Embodiment:

If you find yourself seeking a more profound connection with your Sankalpa, consider seeking assistance. Whether through meditation, visualization, or guidance from a mentor, these tools can aid in the embodiment of your heart's deepest desires.

Embarking on the path of Embody Sankalpa is a short transformative journey that invites you to align with your true self. By connecting with your heart, navigating physical sensations, embracing playfulness, resonating with chosen words, and embodying your desires, you pave the way for the manifestation of your deepest aspirations. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination, and each step brings you closer to the embodiment of your Sankalpa.

Then join me for the Embody Sankalpa FREE 5 day journey starting anytime until 15 February 2024

Listen to Nid’s Nidra on:

Originally published on 12 April 2018, on omegamovement.co.uk.


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